- People are diamonds. Most are in the rough, thinking they're regular stones. The greats chisel away and repair flaws, revealing their value.
- It ain't where you from, it's where you at! Especially where your head is at!
- The only real money is the way you spend your attention. Live free of fear based thinking. "Scared money don't make money!"
- The road to greatness is driven one mile at a time, walked one step at a time, lived one moment at a time. Look out! You're on it right NOW!
- The road to greatness is paved with dreams, enthusiasm, and the realization that you are great right NOW! ...even before the acknowledgment.
- There is no "out there" out there. ~Joel Goldsmith
- Light from outside doesn't actually make it to the part of the brain where images are generated. The light you see is coming from you!
- Worrying really is a waste of time when you consider that same focus can go to a solution! Plus you feel better! What's better than that?
- Inhale...Exhale... Inhale...Exhale... Inhale...Exhale... Feel that?!! I get a rush! Lol... Anyway, have a great day!
- You can only breath in the present moment. The mind can feel the undercurrent of peace in the moment when you're aware of your breathing.
- Calmness is easily experienced when attention is brought to your breathing. Breath speed and thought speed are linked. Attention controls it
- Once you reach a high enough altitude, there are no more clouds.
- A promise is only good if it's meant to be kept. Money is only good if it's meant to be spent. Life is only good when it's appreciated!
- The mind's eye can explore any and all possibilities. Imagination is a doorway. Images most focused on and felt, come to pass. Visualize it!
- Is the glass half full or half empty? My answer: It's all full! Even the empty half is full of possibilities! Focus on abundance! No lack!
- Realizing that all potential to be, have, and do greatness lives with in you; you're a buried treasure, discovered everytime you look inside
- The notion of chaos is an illusion. All seemingly random chaos is part of a more grand order.
- No one can steal your attention. You willfully GIVE it away. All power lies where your attention is at.
For more...

Nice. They just expressed themselves through us.
I followed you already ;)
Two thumbs up! :-)
nice I could have made several posts from that collection :D
Very much appreciated Rizal, Shinzen, and Ta Wan! I can't really take the credit though. It comes 'through' me like Rizal said. :-)
Wonderful, that is the true joy of connection and all these sharings are part of the collective consciousness of light. :)
True wisdom flowing in pureness.
I do this most of the time too-its our truth.
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