The word 'celebrity' comes from 'celebrate'. It literally means to be a celebrated person. The most popular actors, athletes, and music artists are among the most celebrated people in the world!
People celebrate the lives of celebrities because in them, they see a reflection of the part of themselves they would like to celebrate. Anytime you can appreciate the talents of others, you are actually appreciating an aspect of yourself! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
With the popularity of 'reality TV', we can easily see how the average person can become a celebrity over night. People who would not have been celebrated in the past are getting their claim to fame (even if only for "15 minutes" of it). This can bring about the question, "Why am I not a celebrity?" There's also a good number of people (including myself) who don't really care for fame. But it's more the aspect of celebrating life then fame I'm referring to.
Well, the good news is that you can be a celebrity right this minute! Realizing that all it takes to be one is an attitude of celebrating your life, becoming a celebrity is actually very healing. Eliminating stress and bringing acceptance and joy into your everyday life is simply a matter of changing the way you view yourself and life in general.
Life is meant to be not only lived, but celebrated! You don't need annoying paparazzi and an endless stream of fans to feel the same sense of celebration as your favorite big name. All it takes is your own attention.
So...what are you waiting for? Become a celebrity right now! :-)
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Fantastic! Celebration here I come...
I love your thoughts on Celebrity! We all can celebrate ourselves at this moment and we should be for we are each amazing!
So I am a big celebrity all along :D
Anyway, C.Om... I think you need to wipe those spam guys out :p
Nice one C. Om, life, the whole of life, meaning wholeness-Oneness-Beingness.... is a celebration in itself. Thanks for the reminder :-)
Shinzen, Mark, 微笑每一天, Rizal, and Doug...
Everyone's insight is much appreciated and celebrated! ;-)
(the spam link gone too Rizal. LOL)
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