The Art of Peace

Most of us have heard of the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu. For those who aren't familiar with it, The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy. Personally, I love the fact that Sun Tzu's philosophy makes it clear that "the peak efficiency of knowledge and strategy is to make conflict altogether unnecessary."

In other words, the ideal strategy in war is to win without fighting and accomplish the most by doing the least. This is a Taoist philosophy, and like any perception of great depth, it might appear as a paradox at first.

Although a seeming contradiction, it can be recognized that the goal of any and all conflict, or war is to achieve a greater peace. The illusion of opposites does indeed make it hard to see at times. We can realize this though simply by looking at the root intention of those involved in the conflict. We can also realize that conflict actually helps define what peace is. Peace gives conflict a meaning just the same. Without one, the other would be a constant and therefore unnoticeable. They are two sides of the same coin. They are one.

To further illustrate, check out the similarities in the best fighters and the most peaceful people:

The best warriors are able to maintain a calm in battle. They can be in full motion, yet maintain a stillness with in. They are able to adapt to whatever the circumstances are and make the absolute best out of the situation.

The people best at staying peaceful, blissful, and all around happy are people with the ability to adapt to life just as the best warriors who ever lived. They are able to adapt to whatever the circumstances are and make the absolute best out of the situation.

The art of peace and the art of war have a whole lot in common!

Related posts:
The Pure Paradox
The Illusion of Opposites
The Peace Loving Warrior


Ta-Wan said...

In second hand bookshops, copies of The Art of War fill the shelves of the Eastern philosophy, Tao sections of the shop.

I've always been put off by the number of unwanted copies and the "war" part of the title.

I'm thinking that the ideas you put forward here will save me needing to read it.

Or should I get a copy? I suppose if I see a cheap copy it wont do me any harm to have a read of it.

Rizal Affif said...

Hi C.Om... glad to have you back :D

As for the art of peace... you really open up my mind :) yeah, ultimately, both war and peace are the same. After all... aren't both of them simply fluctuations of the Consciousness?

Love this :)

The Rambling Taoist said...

Wouldn't you say that the practice of war is to dominate and win, but the art of war is to avoid it altogether?

Gail said...


I have truly missed you. And of peace I say for all that it is time to lead and not fight. Lead with loce and honor and truth and worry not of followers - worry not.

Love to you

C. Om said...

From what I can see, you already have a great perspective and this book is not a "must read." It is a great way to illustrate how the philosophy presented applies to both sides of duality though. "As above, so below," goes for any seemingly opposing ideas.

Thank you Rizal!

And once again, you see exactly what I'm saying. They are both Consciousness experiencing itself. I'm no advocate for war, but at the same time, I can see that war is a frame of mind and peace can be achieved in the mind at any time.

-Rambling Taoist
Indeed, I would agree with you! And I would add that even in the practice of war, there is an underlying intention of trying to establish peace through the act of dominating and winning.

The art comes in when we can see that the practice itself only gets in the way of an eternal peace that is already there.

You are appreciated!
Thank you!